Dear sirs and madams,,
Kindly let us introduce our company Tempo Trans s.r.o. - Ludvík Lujka
– haulage, supplier of transport
services. Company Ludvík Lujka started its activities on 29. 6. 1992 and
1.3.2004 changes name of company on Tempo Trans s.r.o.
The company acts as physical person since was founded and has got the same
owner for the whole time as well as the same identification numbers.
The company was founded to provide professional and first-quality services in
area of International transport. We are working based on our previous long-time
experiences in this area.
All the time we are engaged in carying on the haulage in Czech Republic and Europe.
The main points in our mind are long-term cooperation based on satisfaction of
our customers and high-quality of provided services.
Firm domicile:
Tempo Trans s.r.o.
Ludvík Lujka and son
Knínice u Boskovic 184
679 34 Knínice u Boskovic
Czech Republic

In case that you are serching for the company, which will provide you the best
service in area of international and domestic transport, you can be sure, that
you will find the best quality for adequate price in our company.
You can always count with our pleasant attitude, because the satisfaction of
the customer is the main point in our mind and it is inseparably connect with
the name of our company.