679 34 - Knínice u Boskovic 184 - CZ
  IČO: 46251766   DIČ: CZ480405434

Goals of Company

Plans of the Company:

» By close cooperation with customers to establish reliationships full of loyalty and     reliance in the long term.
» To provide 100% quality service by professional people in our team to fully satisfy the     customer.
» Effort to minimally rule the environment by using quality vehicles.
» All our vehicles are in accordance with high ecology limits EURO 2, EURO 3 and EURO 5.
» To minimalize our costs by permanent developing of quality of all services so that we     will minimalize also the costs of our customers.

In case that you are serching for the company, which will provide you the best service in area of international and domestic transport, you can be sure, that you will find the best quality for adequate price in our company. You can always count with our pleasant attitude, because the satisfaction of the customer is the main point in our mind and it is inseparably connect with the name of our company.